yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 10th
flower- winter daphne
meaning- glory

yay!! you found your flower !?!
please don’t be sad :((

february 11th
flower- balm
meaning- sympathy

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 12th
flower- justicia procumbes
meaning- Extreme beauty

yay!! you found your flower !?!
please don’t be sad :((

february 13th
flower- canary grass
meaning- patience

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 14th
flower- chamomile
meaning- toughness that does not resist adversity

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 15th
flower - cedar
meaning- live for you

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 16th
flower- laurel tree
meaning- honor

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 17th
flower- wild flowers
meaning- Familiar nature

yay!! you have found your flower!!
and hoseok’s :D

February 18th
flower- buttercup
meaning- innocence

yay!! you found your flower !?!
please don’t be sad :((

february 19th
flower- oak
meaning- good adhesion

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 20th
flower- kalmia
meaning- great hope

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 21st
flower- california bluebell
meaning- patriotism

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 22nd
flower- rose of sharon
meaning- subtle beauty

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 23rd
flower- apricot blossom
meaning- babes shy

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 24th
flower- periwinkle
meaning- pleasant memories

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 25th
flower- musk rose
meaning- whimsical love

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 26th
flower- adonis
meaning- memory

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 27th
flower- star of arabia
meaning- pure

yay!! you found your flower !?!
please don’t be sad :((

february 28th
flower- straw
meaning- unity

yay!! you have found your flower!!

february 29th
flower- armeria
meaning- consideration

yay!! you have found your flower!!

july 14th
flower- phlox
meaning- orderliness

yay!! you have found your flower!!

july 15th
flower- austrian briar rose
meaning- loveliness

yay!! you have found your flower!!

july 16th
flower- silk flower (stock)
meaning- eternal beauty

yay!! you have found your flower!!

july 17th
flower- white rose
meaning- respect

yay!! you have found your flower!!

july 18th
flower- moss rose
meaning- pity